What comes to our mind when we come across these 2 word "youth" and "Elderly". Some would relate former with Energy, Aggression, Rebel, Revolution, Unrest etc and later with Experience, Orthodox thinking, Narrow minded, Resisting changes, Slow decision making, Unorganized, Rigidness. If we observe with the passage of time as western culture is becoming popular and popular now a days, relationship gap between youth and elders is increasing day by day. It is resulting in Nuclear families and several problems for Elderly people (Whom as per our Indian culture even in dreams we cant think of disrespecting them?)
Today my friends & I, visited a NGO, under a project given to us in Management communication 3.There we met Mr.Allan who is running a NGO called "THE GOOD SHEPHERD HOME" which is promoting a social cause and that is "Promoting Relationship between youth and the elderly". He clearly specified to us that his NGO is not "Promoting Old age Home".
At first meeting I didn't get the objective clearly and took it lightly. But I realized its importance on the next day When we conducted a Interview of his team.
His team comprises of 10-15 old age persons, Who conduct programs in schools and promote this social cause of reducing the relationship gap between the elderly and youth.
We first Interviewed MR. A.K Sapru. He is a Visiting lecturer. He is 82 year old.But I was amazed to see the level of zeal and enthusiasm with which he was talking to us.Really these people are full of real life experiences. He shared several pearls of wisdom with us.
"If some elderly in your family is not able to contribute financially, it doesn't mean that he is useless".
The second interview we conducted of a lady (around 75 year of age)who was left at an ashram when she most needed her family. Her son left her, when she was suffering from paralysis. Presently, she is in much better condition (Thanks to Allan sir). But I pity on her family.
At first sight, it was hard to believe that these things can also happen in country like India. But now it seems common, every now and than Newspaper is full of News that an old man has committed suicide under depression and loneliness or Elderly people leaving their homes etc.
Reason of widening of relationship gap:-
1.Promotion of western culture
2.Popularity of Nuclear family
3.Extra work pressure
4.No time for family
Message to youngistaan:-
1.Treat Elders as Human
2.We should not forget the cause of humanity
3.Old man are not a burden on society, Treat them as a normal human being
4.Experiences of Elderly people should be used for the betterment of the society
5.Don't use human as "junk" of any age
6.Indian culture should be followed and taught to next generation
If such a treatment is continued, Elderly people would be lost, and country's future would be on large stake. Elderly people are the strongest pillar of the society. Society can work efficiently in their absence. Youth should understand that there is a give and take policy system. The way they treat their elders.Their child Will treat them in the same way. Now it is in the hands of youth to decide.
I invite your suggestions to How to reduce this relationship gap.
Thank you for reading!!!